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Friday, September 24, 2010

And so the Invasion begins...

 Mood: Red Alert

I know I haven't really posted anything about me finishing/achieving anything with my writing. There's a good reason for that.

I haven't. I don't know what's wrong. I don't even have a drive to write anymore. Yes, I still have that huge 'want' feeling when I imagine it being published, and a bestseller and all my other far-fetched dreams, but as soon as I think of actually writing? Pass.

I don't why my brain is refusing to cooperate. I would like to blame squirrel baby, but I'm not so sure...normally when I'm in squirrel mode, I'm super excited to write, but can't focused, or just to distracted to even try to write. This doesn't feel like that. it feels more I'm not a writer. Like I did before I realized how good I was at it. The thought to write doesn't even occur to me. The isn't there. And to be honest, that scares me. Writing is who I am. I've wanted to be an author, literally, since second grade. And without that...well it's a little late to change my entire life's dream.

I think something's invading my brain.
And I'm pretty sure it's this;

1 comment:

  1. I feel that way too, sometimes. When I do, I find something short and fun to work on like limericks, other types of poetry, or short stories. I take a break from my long projects and do something that I don't feel pressure to be good at. That's how I remind myself how fun writing is and get back into the groove.

    Good luck getting out of your slump!
