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Monday, September 27, 2010

Rainstorm: Getting Ideas

Okay so I decided to change the topic for today's rainstorm. And it's not really a rainstorm so much as an informative insight on writing.

Writers are a curious people. Often, non-writers don't understand how we get our 'ideas'. It's a dead giveaway of someone who is new to writing. There's no magic formula to find a great idea. Writers, by nature, think differently I think.

There are two types of writers. Natural born writers, where ideas seem to flow continuously into their brain no matter what. And then there are writers who have to be on the lookout for ideas.

Writers pay attention. But they don't pay attention to what they're doing, like work or at school. We pay attention to the words, the ideas. We, almost instinctively, look at something and get an idea. Because our brains are always searching for one.

There's no magic formula. And, it must be really hard to learn. You have to re-train your brain. INstead of looking and seeing "what is", try to see "what if".



  1. i agree. the funny thing is, before i really got into writing (which was only a few years ago), i didn't think the way i do now. now, everything and anything can pop into my head as a possibly story idea or character or plot. it's actually quite annoying sometimes because i can be in the middle of a phone conversation and totally blank out on what the person on the other end is saying because something they said sparked an idea for a story. i just can't shut it off though and to be honest, i don't want to...ever! :-)

  2. Same way Melanie! It's a nuisance, but I would never give it away. It's part of the writing gift.
