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Monday, August 30, 2010

Update Peoples!!

So I realize that my last post was kind of, um, do I put this?

But that's okay! Because I was really tired so It's really not my fault. I think I need some new excuses. Oh well.

Anyway I'll make this quick.

I'm stuck again.


You didn't actually think that was it, did you? Oh you silly human-person!
I'm stuck on another (2) of my chapters. Which is annoying because I can almost feel the end. It's near!
Yes, that's right. The end is near.

But in all seriousness, I'm starting to realize that the real Rainstorm that hits us is ourselves. We each have our own little quirks and problems that we meet in our writing life, whether in real life or in your book. I myself, along with lack of inspiration, am struggling with not having enough time, or enough space. I keep dreaming about my perfect writing hidey-hole, but It'll be a long time before I get one of those. Can't.....wait....

And sometimes all that self-editing/self-critisizing gets in the way, throwing insults at your brain the entirer time. How the hell are you supposed to fight your own mind? It's not easy, let me tell you! first of all, you have to get a really small imaginary sword and then you....uh....I'm getting off topic again aren't I?

Yeah, I tend to need guidelines when it comes to my writing.

I have to go guys, it's late and guess who has to get up early tomorrow?


-Jessie (for real this time)

Friday, August 27, 2010


Oh. My. God.

So I was following this thread, on AW forums. Basically it started about how to get your avatar bigger. But then I saw MacAllister (the awesome dude of awesomeness) would randomly give out ultra-cool avies.

So I asked if this was true. And a small convo ensued. I went to check out some other threads. Then, suddenly I looked down, and my avatar was different.

It was supposed to be this;

But instead it was this;


Okay I'm done freaking now. I was toatally blessed by the AW gods!!! It's so amazing!!!!!

And the lesson in this, children, is as follows;

"Always buy apples without chickens"


ETA: I'm really sorry about this post....It was very late. I think i may have been suffering from sugar-rush. Sorry you had to witness it...

Thursday, August 26, 2010


This is Bartholomew. He's our family spider.

Bartholomew is very good at catching flies. We've known him since he was barely the size of a ladybug. Now he's about an inch from the tips of his legs.

Some people think this is strange, to have a 'wild' spider living in your home. Well I like Bartholomew. I think he *was* adorable. That is until he grew up to be a raging bloodsucking monster in waiting!!

You should see him hunt! A fly gets caught and BAM! He jumps down and gobbles the thing whole. Then he propels up like a freaking navy seal and lands in the EXACT SAME SPOT he was before.

Now I'm using capitols because I want to impress this point onto you.

I have a trained Navy seal spider that can kill in seconds. That's right agents. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Exposition Man

Exposition: An explanation of a certain topic, generally written

Hey people! You may be wondering why there's a random definition up there. Well, it's not that random.

See, I saw a thread on Absolute Write Forums (great website btw) about a new writing muse; Exposition Man*!
And surprisingly, it actually helped me work through some rough patches in my writing, where I lost the true essence of my character! It's very helpful to use to get out of boring patches and be true to your character. My example;

Exposition Man ran into the room and forcefully shoved Eric into another room.

“Hey! What’s the big deal?” Eric yelled, being shoved onto a chair in the middle of the room. A single light bulb lit up the chair, but he could see someone in the shadows pacing.

“Please. Do you honestly think people care about you getting sick? Talk about a boring beginning! Get to the prank! Get to the good stuff! Don’t you get it? People want to see you in trouble!!” The voice said. Eric frowned irritably.

“It’s not my fault. I have to wait for Julia.” He mumbled, slinking down in his chair and folding his arms over his chest. Another exasperated sigh came from the shadows.

“Eric, for god’s sake! You are in the most interesting place you’ve ever been, and now you choose to wait around and follow rules? What are you going to give up you’re ‘I’m evil and proud’ badge too? Snap out of it!” An evil grin spread across Eric’s face. He got off the chair and laughed.

“Hey you’re right. There’s no way I would ever normally be bossed around by a goody-two-shoes. I would bail this place as soon as possible!” He said. He turned to the shadows. “Thanks man.”

Exposition Man walked out, wearing bright purple tights, a sparkly gold cape and a matching grin.

“No problem Eric. Now go break some rules.” 

Now I know that this excerpt is full of mistakes and probably pretty confusing. But the important thing is, my muse did it's job. It cut straight to the problem in my boring patch of writing. I realized my character was being to laid-back, too calm. Too boring! He was being patient instead of the evil mischievous person he was supposed to be. I fixed it up and, what do you know! Suddenly one of my plot holes stitched itself up! 

You can see some more examples, as well as the birth of Exposition Man here. 

My Exposition man is slightly different from other people's I think. Take a look!

I think he looks cute, don't you?

Good luck with your muses!

*Full credit to Exposition Man goes to Mara  

Monday, August 23, 2010

YES! Attack of the Werewolf.

YAY!! Last night I managed to finish another chapter! Out of a total of 15 chapters, I'm a third done!! And it took me less than two months! And I configured (cool word) the total word count and it's probably going to be slightly under 50,000.

Which is the part that makes me sad. 50,000 is the minimum for a novel right? So I have to get it over 50,000 to be able to sell it as such...which means I can't say this is my first novel. (Oh who cares, I'll just fudge it.)

But anyway, I have a theory. based on my writing habits (getting my inspiration to write just before I have to go to bed ) that left to my own devices I would become nocturnal.

Just me.   

I have to find some way to break this habit because school starts up soon, and I need to get it my book done before 2011. Wish me luck!


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Present Time!!!

I thought I would be nice and give everyone a present.

That's right. Everyone thank me.
(In an effort to save the environment, I run on praise now)

Well I think you can tell by the picture...

Kittens! Here's one for you, and one for you, and you, and one for you, and one for you, and you, and you, and everyone else who wants one! Except you crazy cat lady. I think you need an intervention. That's the next blog over.

So here is your very own montage of cute (and funny!) kittens to play with. Enjoy. I want them back tonight. No exceptions.

Thank you, thank you. *hissed* this is the part where I get a standing ovation. NOW!!!
Lol, hope you enjoyed your present! Courtesy of I can has Cheezburger. Website.

Bye guys! (and yes this counts as an update. Why do you care what I'm doing? My writing is doing FINE thank you!)


Friday, August 20, 2010

Toy Story 3?

8/20/2010  5:00 PM

Okay I know this is really late. But a while back I went to see Toy Story 3 in theaters. And I have to admit, it was a sad movie!

It end bitter-sweet when Andy still has to leave his toys behind. And I kind of felt cheated (I know, grow up.) And all in all it was an amazing movie. But one thing that (really) confused me was Jessie and Buzz falling in love. What was that about???

I thought it was Woody + Jessie but she randomly fell in love with Buzz? And Woody was like fine with it?
*so confused*

But anyway I was just thinking about it today. Feel free to post whatever reviews you have in the comments section. Bye guys!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rainstorm: Character Development

 8/18/2010  5:50 PM

Character Development is a tricky rainstorm. Sometimes it can be on a warm summer evening, when you dance in the rain laughing just because the rain feels so good. But sometimes it can be a huge terrifying lightning storm that gives you nightmares of freaky bat aliens.

Just me?

And it all depends on whether all the pieces fit together or if they seem completely unrealistic. Characters are people. Where they come from, and what happened there define who they are in your book. And your character cannot be unrealistic. How can someone with a perfect life, and who was completely happy, suddenly become sullen in your book? No, don't give me that moody teenager excuse. Readers aren't stupid, and we don't like feeling cheated when we read. Characters are real to us. Make them real.

But don't stress. And never lose the essence of your character. Too many suggestions can drown your character. To strengthen your character, add controversy, and interesting stories. But remember; too much going on can leave the reader confused, and sometimes it may not make sense. 

Which storm hit you?


Friday, August 13, 2010

Plot Walls: Just Another Day In The Life

 8/13/2010  2:30 PM

Hey people!! So I told you that I retired my ms Fighting Samuaii, and that I'm finishing my novel Being Evil. Which, by the way, is an amazingly sarcastic portrayal of a self-proclaimed villain's adventures in heaven.

So how did that sound? Sophisticated right? I know! Eeep!

But I'm stuck on where to go. I've outlined up to chapter seven, but somehow I'm stuck. I know how it's supposed to end, just not a clue how to get there. Does anyone know a site that helps people flesh out ideas?

Oh who cares. I figure it out eventually. Anyway, I'm here to talk about a website. What was it again? 
*Shuffles through papers on desk*
Ah! Here it is! Let's see *squints* Umm 'Lite or Shy by Shocker Mickey'? Well that can't be right...
Oh I'm sorry! Write or Die by Dr. Wicked! 

Come to think of it that doesn't sound much better.

Anyway I highly recommend this website! It's amazing! You get to pick your word limit, the time, the forgiveness level as well as how strict the consequences are.

I'm really not doing it justice. Basically it helps you write. The only problem I have with this website is that if you're playing a song on say youtube or something, writing in the window pauses the song. So you have to go back to the window and click play again, which wastes time. Other than that (and it's really just a minor annoyance) It's a wonderful website. I am neglecting writing in it lately, but I feel like I'm over analyzing everything. I just need to write and stop worrying! 

Anyway I gotta go guys! 

Ohmygod. I just realized today was Friday the 13th. YAY!

Okay perhaps I need to explain. I was born on the thirteenth of March. granted, it was on a Monday, but apparently because I was born on that day, every time it rolls around I get good luck. Something about being blessed by the devil? Not sure. All I know is that this is the perfect day to write  Being Evil.

Lol, bye guys!


Thursday, August 12, 2010


Yeah, yeah I know. I abandoned you guys. But hey, I have an excuse!

No. No I don't. Other than I'm lazy, and was putting off writing all together. Which, in my book, is a completely valid excuse. And your arguments don't apply.


Alright, now that that's done, lets get on with our new post, okay children?

Okay I'm sorry for sounding condescending. I've been really tense lately with all my chores and responsibility, and my annoyance at interruptions from my writing, as well as my writing actually. I've decided to put my ms on the shelf for the time and work on my other one. So I'm working on the plot line and everything.

I never really thought writing was hard. I would always say, oh the words just come out. But now, starting to dive into the real world of writing, I'm getting cold feet. I'm even more harsh on my writing, and I tear myself down all the time. Writing can suck. It can be wonderful, exciting, empowering, but it can also be saddening, discouraging, and maddening. It's a hard art to master, and an even harder one to breakthrough. Art is just as bad, but at least you can become a famous artist after you die. When you write a book, if it gets past publishing, the chances of becoming famous after death is slim to none. More likely none.

But I don't want to discourage anyone. I love writing, and could never give it up. What can I say? I'm a masochist. Writers by definition are masochists.


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Rainstorm: Plot Walls

8/8/2010   4:40 PM

Everyone hits plot walls. No matter how well thought out something is, when a hint of doubt enters your mind, suddenly everything is wrong. 

This happened to me recently. I was feeling really down about my story, I kept feeling like something was wrong, something was pulling the story down, but I couldn't figure it out. Then I suddenly realized two of my characters were completely useless. I actually had to remind myself to write about them. It was as if they were completely invisible and, somehow, those two characters translated into a boring/depressing writing experience, that I avoided at any cost.

Plot walls are good. They're the stress button that tells a writer something's wrong, and something needs to be changed. But you have to be careful. If it's a big plot wall, that needs major editing and you're almost done writing, finish the book. Just write down your notes and finish the book. You would've had to rewrite eventually. You might as well have something to work with. 

Hey, I think the clouds are clearing up...


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Hey people!

8/8/2010   12:12 AM

Hey everyone! I figured I owe everyone a post because I missed a couple days here. Only, I don't know what to write about. I've been separating myself from my story for a while to be able to look back with "new eyes" after hitting the editing a little hard. I was freaking out for a while.

So I guess that's just another update...and I think I have our rainstorm too.

Bye, guys! Seeya tomorrow....or today I guess lol!


Friday, August 6, 2010


8/6/2010   1:50 PM

Hey everyone! I know I've been away for a while, and haven't been keeping up with things. I've just been so busy! So I have some updates;

First, I'm changing your Daily Adventure to your Weekly Rainbow, posted every Monday after your Rainstorm. Posting 750+ everyday was really sapping all my creativity. I had no will to actually working on my projects.

Speaking of projects, I'm working on so many! I've put most of them on hold for my first *real* novel, which I'm hoping to publish. I've been having some trouble with it lately (hitting that dreaded breakdown point) but I'm getting over it.

Once again, sorry about the missing posts, but you will definitely have your Rainstorm and Rainbow! Thanks guys!


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Apologies

 8/4/2010   4:20 PM

I'm really sorry guys! I have an emergency edit attack on my ms and have no time on my hands! So I missed yesterday's Daily Adventure, and most likely will miss today's. And maybe some more along the way.

It doesn't help that I'm a compulsive procrastinator...

But I'm hoping I'll get some posts in soon.

Once again, sorry for the short update and everything. Love you guys!


Monday, August 2, 2010

Daily Adventure: 3

 8/2/2010  3:30 PM

"Laura! Laura! God damn it. Laura!" Michael cursed, tripping over another stick. It was cold, dark, and late to be wandering around the forest. But Laura was still missing. He raised his head again.

"Laura!" He fell silent. It was no use. His throat was raw from yelling and he still hadn't found her. He rubbed his arms feverishly, gazing at the tall oaks surrounding him. The smell of the forest usually calmed him down, but the forest fire had masked the sweet scent. Now the forest smelled like smoke and burnt trees.

Michael coughed roughly, wincing as his throat pained again. The smoke hadn't been good for it either. He felt a flash of anger hit him again. The fire had been Ryan fault after all! Why did Laura have to be the one missing after it was put out? And why did Ryan refuse to help?


Michael's head shot up, and he crouched down near the base of a tree, slowing his breathing, listening intently. But the forest was quiet.

"Laura?" He whispered tentatively, coming out of his hiding space. No one was there. He sighed shaking his fear, preparing himself to continue searching.

"Help!" Suddenly a girl crashed into him, knocking him flat to the ground.

"I am so sorry!" Michael turned, seeing Laura's face.

"Laura? What are you doing here? What happened during the fire?" Laura's eyes looked glazed over, but she was smiling, with no burns noticeable. Michael was ecstatic. Laura was okay. Hugging her tightly, he laughed out loud, picking himself, and her, off the forest floor.

"You're alright! I was so worried!" He exclaimed, still holding her hand. Laura smiled too, but it seemed vacant, dazed. 

"Yes. I am fine. Come with me!" She said suddenly, tugging him forward. Following blindly, a hint of doubt entered Michael's mind.

They ran through the forest, Laura leaping like a deer between the trees. many times Michael almost fell down, tripping and slipping on the sticks and leaves.

"Where are we going?" His heart started beating faster. She turned and shushed him, winking coyly. Michael was confused. The forest started to look more menacing as it became darker and darker. Shadows were elongated and noises started up again, as the night animals came out, confidant the fire was gone. They began leaping down a hill, Michael running faster than he ever had before, but unable to stop. He spotted a silver pool of water in the distance, and Laura was heading right for it.

"Laura, uh where are we going? We should get home, your parents are looking for you..." His voice trailed off. It was hard to talk and try to suck air into his lungs. But Laura ignored him, still barreling straight toward the water. Suddenly, Michael's instincts screamed at him to stop. He dug his heels in, wrenching Laura back. He turned her to face him and gasped.

It wasn't Laura's face. The thing had her red curly hair, but had huge eyes, with black cat pupils. The teeth were serrated, and pointed. It grinned at me, unblinking.

"Come one Michael. Let'sss go ssswimming." She hissed, her voice coming out liek a snake's.

"Laura? What did you do to Laura?" Michael asked. He was scared, but he felt his heart slow looking into the beast's eyes. Her image shifted, turning into Laura again. Laura frowned.

"What are you talking about? Let's go swimming Michael." His vision swam, his head felt fuzzy, like everything was muffled. He nodded slowly, stumbling after her as she pulled him along. Her face kept shifting, but Michael couldn't remember which was real. he followed her into the silver pool. It seemed thick, like syrup, but it was cool. Laura smiled, pulling him deeper into the pool, gesturing him towards her. Soon, they were approaching the middle of lake.

"Just a few more feet Michael. Then we can swim together." She whispered, pulling him under the water. Michael smiled sleepily, as the strange silver liquid crept up to his chest. It reached his neck. Michael frowned. Something was tickling the back of his mind, something that warned him Laura was dangerous.

"Let's swim Michael." Laura said more forcefully, gripping his arms tightly. Michael shook his head slowly. The silver water was starting to burn.

"I...don't want to...swim." He whispered pitifully. Laura smiled sadly at him.

"But, I thought you liked me." She whispered. She swam closer to him, and kissed him, drawing him closer to her. He gave up, kissing back, feeling himself fall. The burning sensation traveled up his leg, like acid. Suddenly he opened his eyes.

Laura was gone, replaced by a reptilian monster, completely naked, that was drawing him deeper into the burning silver. he let a shout, the water rushing into his mouth. It was bitter, heavy.

He flipped around, fighting the beast desperately to return to the surface. And then he saw Ryan, smiling down at him.

"Have fun Michael. It'll be a real shame when you and Laura go missing."

Sunday, August 1, 2010


 8/1/10   8:40 PM


Remember that rainstorm today? Well guess what just hit me. *Nods sadly*
I need someone to force me to write! God, sometimes I hate writing! Like I just can't force myself to write! I have so many barely-started books, and the one I love, happens to suck. In my opinion. I have no idea what to do. How do I show time passing? How do I do this? How do I do that? 

I hate writing. God it sucks.

And now it's raining.


Rainstorm: Writer's Block

 8/1/2010  2:30 PM

Oh, I see that look! I suppose you thought I would start with rejection, or something having to do with anyone but you.

Well, believe it or not, before you even brave the winds of publication, you have to write your book first. And that won't happen if you can't force yourself to write. Unfortunately, no one has a fail-proof method. Some suggestions are to;

Play music
Make tea
Take a Shower

But in the end it comes down to sitting down and writing. I know, that seems like horrible advice. In a way, it is. I remember surfing the internet, trying my best to find something to force me to write. And everyone said just write. I was disappointed. The whole point was that I couldn't write.

But stop getting distracted. Shut everything out and write. Soon, words start to flow easier. Of course, sometimes you'll have bad days. Sometimes you'll have bad weeks. But you have to keep at it.

Think of your pen losing ink, but you know it still had ink inside, You just have to keep writing until it flows again.



 8/1/2010  2:15 PM

Daily Adventure, your trip into the land of writing, where anything is possible. It stretches your imagination, and gives you something to dream about later >.< 

So It's only right that I interrupt your day dreams with a weekly thunderstorm.
Every Sunday, get ready to see just how much rain falls in writing world.

Also, my clock/times are messed up so none of the times are correct for me. I'll post the times and date so everything makes sense 'kay? 
