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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Casting My Novel!

Over at Absolute Write there's a thread in YA where everyone is casting their characters on who would play them if their book became a movie. It looked like so much fun I decided to join in!

This is for my WIP; Anemoi Boy

Aleksandrukas doesn't have a mother. He has a maker. He was forged out of clouds seventeen years ago by an Anemoi named Beroe. His only purpose? To win the tournament featuring the human races pitted against each other. The prize? The fastest storks the Anemoi leader can forge. They are bigger and stronger, allowing them to carry more cloud-babies down to earth for the winning Anemoi. The prize for the kids? Well, they won't be "recycled" for the magic stardust that brought them to life in the first place.

Race: Indian
Anemoi: Beroe
Age: 17

All Alek wants is to win the tournament for his Anemoi. But when the Anemoi outcast tells him about a conspiracy involving his maker, he confronts Beroe about it. Beroe kicks him out, banishing him from his life and removes him from the tournament. Now Alek has to try to sneak back into the tournament with the help of his friends, and decide whether to ruin Beroe's life.

I cannot find a picture for Alek! I want him to have like Josh Hutcherson's body, but Indian with curly black hair. Anyone know any actors/models who look like that?

I am so happy I found her! She is the perfect Minnie and the best part is that she is actually Russian! She speaks fluent Russian! It's so perfect lol!

Race: Russian
Anemoi: Believed to be Abellona but is actually Beroe
Age: 17

Minnie is sweet and practical, but is distant and cold to everyone except Alek and Abellona. She worships Abellona and does anything and everything by the rules Abellona sets forth. She doesn't always approve of Alek's antics, but they're best friends. When she finds out that Beroe is actually her anemoi, not Abellona, she is devastated and quits the tournament out of spite, running away to live with Merope; the Anemoi outcast. She helps Alek sneak into the tournament.

This is perfect except her hair would be Merida's hair from Brave. If Merida's hair was white.
Name is Unknown
Alek calls her "Ambrosia"
Age: Unknown

Ambrosia is the maker of the clouds. She's an artist and takes great pride in her work. Beroe sends Alek to her to try and persuade her to give up her best clouds. Over the course of these many visits they become friends. Minnie does not like her, or the amount of time Alek spends there "fooling around". Ambrosia hides her own life but she loves talking about everything and anything. She especially enjoys talking to Alek.

I have a ton of other characters but they are harder to cast, being that they are neither male nor female. But I'll update when I find some more!


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