Hey guys! How's everyone doing during my month long absence? I seem to go through phases like that where I write a lot (a.k.a two posts) on the blog then give it up for a month. But hopefully during my break you got some writing done, right? Feel free to brag in the comments, maybe it will help me along.
I know that I whine and complain about not being able to write quite a lot on this blog. Perhaps more than the average writer should. But I really am starting to get a bit worried. I thought, "Just take a break after Being Evil, the inspiration will come back eventually." And then, as you may recall, I went through what must have been about twenty different book ideas to try to get something that sparked in my brain and that obviously hasn't worked. To be honest, I'm completely out of ideas. I don't know what to do. I feel like I want to write, that I should be writing but I just can't... Everything I write seems too short and not good enough, so I give it up after about half a page. What am I supposed to do? Is it normal for a rut to last this long, because I really am getting scared I've become sort of a one-hit wonder, at least book-wise. The problem with that is that my completed novel isn't even a hit. I have two ideas in my head at the moment and I'm contemplating just shoving myself through and writing crap. I can edit it later, right? If I ever learn how to edit...
Oh my god, I don't think I'm very good at this, am I? Keeping a blog that supposedly helps other writers when I don't have a clue what I'm doing or really any advice at all. I don't seem to be doing much of anything except complaining and that can't be very interesting to read, can it?
But anyway, I'm really sorry for going on and on about my inability to write all the time. If you have any suggestions to help me, please comment or send it to my e-mail (keowriting@yahoo.com) because at this point, I would really appreciate any help. Next post I promise I won't be whiny and depressing and sad. I'll surprise you, but it will be funny, promise!
See you next time!
P.S. If you don't understand the title of this post, read this book.