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Monday, September 27, 2010

Rainstorm: Getting Ideas

Okay so I decided to change the topic for today's rainstorm. And it's not really a rainstorm so much as an informative insight on writing.

Writers are a curious people. Often, non-writers don't understand how we get our 'ideas'. It's a dead giveaway of someone who is new to writing. There's no magic formula to find a great idea. Writers, by nature, think differently I think.

There are two types of writers. Natural born writers, where ideas seem to flow continuously into their brain no matter what. And then there are writers who have to be on the lookout for ideas.

Writers pay attention. But they don't pay attention to what they're doing, like work or at school. We pay attention to the words, the ideas. We, almost instinctively, look at something and get an idea. Because our brains are always searching for one.

There's no magic formula. And, it must be really hard to learn. You have to re-train your brain. INstead of looking and seeing "what is", try to see "what if".


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Just For You....

You're Welcome.


ETA: crap. I just remembered I promised you guys a rainstorm days ago. I'll get that in tomorrow, promise!

Friday, September 24, 2010

And so the Invasion begins...

 Mood: Red Alert

I know I haven't really posted anything about me finishing/achieving anything with my writing. There's a good reason for that.

I haven't. I don't know what's wrong. I don't even have a drive to write anymore. Yes, I still have that huge 'want' feeling when I imagine it being published, and a bestseller and all my other far-fetched dreams, but as soon as I think of actually writing? Pass.

I don't why my brain is refusing to cooperate. I would like to blame squirrel baby, but I'm not so sure...normally when I'm in squirrel mode, I'm super excited to write, but can't focused, or just to distracted to even try to write. This doesn't feel like that. it feels more I'm not a writer. Like I did before I realized how good I was at it. The thought to write doesn't even occur to me. The isn't there. And to be honest, that scares me. Writing is who I am. I've wanted to be an author, literally, since second grade. And without that...well it's a little late to change my entire life's dream.

I think something's invading my brain.
And I'm pretty sure it's this;

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Staying Home Sick

 Mood: Squirrel Baby

Has anyone ever felt like they wanted to be sick? Like you just wanted to be sick so you could stay home and sleep all day.

I've had an ongoing slight cold for about three months now. It won't go away! It just makes me feel miserable most of the time! I constantly get stuffed/runny noses, my throat hurts, and I just feel generally sore and tired.

And some days I wake up (6:30 AM. something is wrong with me for willingly doing this every weekday) and just stare at my pillow, wishing I could go back to bed. Wishing I had some sort of excuse so I could.

And sometimes I think If I was home sick, I would actually finish a lot in my book. That's probably me just adding to the list of reasons I should stay home though.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I've come to the conclusion my characters hate me

Mood: Frustrated. I don't who in my brain is in charge of that but if they don't get back to work right now, so help me god I will get Block on their butts!

So I've heard some other writers, mainly on the AW forums, mention how their characters actually *talk* to them and help them write the story. In a theoretical sense, not like we're seeing people. It's one of those things authors do, we simply listen as the main character tells us the story, and we write it down with the character breathing over our shoulder the entire time. Wouldn't want them to misrepresented or anything.

But my characters don't seem to like me, as not one of them is coming over and saying "Oh hey, remember that part I told you about? Well it actually was more like this...". No. Nothing. No wonder I'm having so much trouble. My characters hate me!

Of course Eric has dropped in a couple times to say hello. And critique my writing ability. Did I mention he was evil? Well he is.

But I would much rather have Lari help me out.

Oh no. Did you hear that door open? Oh no. I think Eric's come for a visit. He wasn't scheduled until tomorrow!

*Shuffles papers around*

I have to go. If he sees this post I"m in troub-!

Hello everyone. Eric here. Well isn't this just a lovely post here. If you excuse me, I have to talk to Jessie for a second. Please accept my apologies. 
What, this bag? What's in it? Oh...nothing...


Monday, September 20, 2010

Just an Update...Don't get too excited

Mood: Crossbreed; Hyper-depressed Squirrelicorn

Okay so I finally finished the chapter. Normally writing one chapter fixes the problem, and I can work a my normal pace again. Not this time. I'm still dragging my feet. And I still have to type it up onto my computer.

Ugh! It takes forever to type it up. And everyone keep bothering me. All I ask for is complete and utter solitude! Is that too much to ask?

Apparently yes. With juggling everything else in my life I'm starting to put my writing on the back burner. Which is horrible. I want to finish my book and publish it, but life gets in the way.

And have you ever felt like maybe some people are ignoring you? Or don't care because you put up with stuff for so long. And you tell them about something you love and they laugh and go suuuuurrrrre. And that's it, self-esteem shot down to zero.

That's how I feel when someone says they don't want to read my writing. Like just because they supposedly hate reading, they won't even give mine a try. Even for a friend! And I take it as a personal blow.

Which introduces the next topic for our Rainstorm (wow it's been a while since we did that, huh?); Sensitivity and Emotion for Writers.

I'm planning on writing it sometime tomorrow, so keep an eye out.
And now back to Being Evil. It was a dark and stormy night...Nah, too Snoopy.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Erm....Pink Panther?

Mood: Depressed Unicorn  

So I pretty much don't have a title. oh well.

I've been having a relatively new problem with writing lately. It's not that I lack inspiration, or even have another block. I just don't have the urge to write at all. I don't have that "oh my gosh I need to write this it's amazing!" feeling that I normally have. This is one way that having that reader friend may help. On one hand she encourages me to write. On the other, it's really annoying. She doesn't get that writers just can't spew out a book in a couple weeks. I guess she doesn't understand how heart soul and effort goes into books.

I really don't feel like writing tonight. But my friend gave me a deadline of Monday. And while I think it's reasonable, I don't know if I can force myself to slug through it. Maybe I just don't want to. I feel like my character is slowly becoming less dynamic as the story goes on. What kind of crappy book is that? What kind of ending would that make?

Since I don't even want to continue writing this post, here;


Wednesday, September 15, 2010


 Mood: Squirrel Baby

It occurs to me that for a pretty complain-y looking blog, I'm a pretty happy person. I mean the name and background are pretty deceiving based on what I post. Although I do think Sad Unicorn fits in perfectly.
I've been working through the block. I think I may have figured it out to where, at the very least, a reader will acknoledge that it is semi-plausible in a fiction world.

That was a lot of conditions. Oh well.
So, I've decided to start writing again this weekend. I don't feel up for it during the week, especially feeling so tired and sick lately. But at the same time I feel as though I shouldn't slack off. Then again, every writer needs a break, right?

See where Squirrel Baby comes in?

Plus, that friend I told you about? She will not stop badgering me about the book. And while I'm extremely flattered and excited that I've garnered such a response form a reader, she is driving me up the wall!!! When I first showed it to her, she gave me two weeks to finish it. May I remind you, I still had seven chapters to finish. So after I explained to her that that was, frankly, impossible she asked me when I thought it would be done.

I guess 'Before Thanksgiving' wasn't a suitable answer.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


You'll be glad to know my awesome days are over. Because the next chapter I'm working on, I'm dragging my feet.

See? See? I told you! I told you a block was coming!
He's so mean to me...

Anyway so this is the big conspiracy chapter where my hero discovers that the leader is actually evil (or doing bad things for kind of selfish reasons. Okay, yeah evil works), and she offers him a position on the "dark side".

But the chapter is right after this big dream/nightmare sequence and I'm not sure how to get from point A to point B without it being too convenient. (I mean, he just happens to walk into this area alone, where he's not supposed to be, and just happens to see her there? Suspending disbelief a little too much?)

As usual I'm probably reading too much into it. But it does pose an interesting question. When do things get too convenient for a book?


Monday, September 13, 2010

You'll never guess (Another Chapter Down)

Awesome! I finished  (wait for it..............) Another chapter!!!!!!!!!!! All I have to do now is type it up. That's 8/15 down...right? Oh who cares. One more from my last post. (<---------------not good at math)

Anyway I'm happy, but the way I'm procrastinating with typing isn't boding well for me. I have a feeling a block is coming up soon. Especially since the next chapter is a hard one. I'll just have to force myself through it I guess.

But anyway, since I'm super sick of parties, I decided to open my blog up to questions. Anyone have a question? Send it here;

And if It's interesting enough I'll put it in my blog. Or you could request I don't put it up too if you want. Ask about anything you want, writing, publishing, stuff in general. I'll try to help, either with my own opinion (take it with caution!) or with links to some other sites as well.

So get writing people!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

OMG I'm Even Awesomer!!!

Yay! I finished another chapter! I'm on a roll!

For those of you counting, that's 7/15 completed at exactly 19,000 words. I'm really hoping it works out to be over 50,000.

And even more good news! (I know, I'm extremely happy)

I sent Being Evil to my friend (not a real beta reader) and she called me up laughing from the first paragraph. How much better can it get?

Unfortunately I don't think I'll use her for a serious beta. But she will definitely help me with the more vague suggestions (such as this part was boring, this description took too long, or I didn't understand this part).

But OMG another party is in order. Only I am NOT buying the snacks.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

AHA! I Knew I was Awesome...

Yay I finished another chapter! That means I'm 6/15 done! Dude, let's celebrate!!

I figured out a new routine. Since I really want to write my other WIP, that's my reward. If I accomplish something with Being Evil, I'm allowed to work on that.

Ah yes my WIP. Well I don't really want to talk about it too much, but I am doing a lot of different things for this book. Firstly, I'm not outlining beforehand, which is big because I always outline. But I've also never finished a project, so fingers crossed no outline actually helps my ability to write. The book also features a very stubborn, kind of naive, childish young lady. She lives in a world full of magic and wonder, and all she wants to do is have fun and explore. But she doesn't have a husband, a point her aunt continues to make a fuss over. I'm really excited about it.

So yeah everyone it's a celebration! Woot! Only nine more chapters and Being Evil (1st draft) is done. Everyone knows that's the hard part...

For your enjoyment, this is an installment of my brain;

Of course you've already met my depressed unicorn. She controls...well nothing really. She just keeps me company when I'm sad. She's too sad to do anything else.

This is my baby squirrel. She is really not allowed to be in charge of anything, but seems to ignore me most of the time. Of course, anything she starts never gets finished...I have no idea where she gets it from.

And this is Kitty-Bear. Aww isn't he cute? He looks so shocked. How many people want to bet it's cuz of baby squirrel? But like I said, he's hibernating, and he's in charge of everything. He finally woke up long enough to help me finish that chapter, but that's about it.

Okay, bye people!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sad Face

I've been so busy lately I've accomplished nothing! And I had a new *brilliant* flash of inspiration for a story, which isn't helping because every two seconds i think of how much BETTER the other book idea is. Even though it really isn't I have that spark that makes me think I can finish it in two days so It's a better investment. Or something like that. I sometimes have no idea what my brain is thinking. It's pretty much split into two sections, a hyperactive squirrel baby screaming about peanuts, and my sad unicorn. (Yeah, I have a sad unicorn. Jealous? Don't be she actually sucks...). Also, there's my big fluffy kitten-bear, but he's hibernating right now. Which is why I'm hacking around. He was the focused one...


Friday, September 3, 2010


This started out as me just needing the picture. But I might as well talk about them. Although I don't have much to talk about. The shoes came from If Shoes Could Kill, which by the way is an awesome website. Without further ado;

Kay so I'm going now. Leave your comments in the comments! (duh)